I don't know but I had mixed feelings about the trip.
I didn't wanted to go at first place, but now I was going only because 'Princess' was going.
I would never leave a chance to spend time with her and fuck it was '2 week' trip and she will be with me and in front of me all the time. It would be simply amazing.
Few weeks ago, I was someone who believed 'Love is a big No for me', I laughed while thinking about the exact words of myself.
I walked towards the mirror and my reflection and said, 'Mr. Rudransh Raichand you are whipped.' And then I thought most people fear while speaking before me but my feisty princess snapped at me and that made her look more beautiful.
"Yes, I will not be coming for 2 weeks." I said to my secretary on call.
"Postpone all my meeting. Be hyper alert. If you need presence in the office call Abhishek for the same. He will be present." I said to her in my monotonous tune!
"And yes! Call me only in case of emergencies! Don't let anyone know I am not in town!" I said in serious voice it can cause problem if any third person got to know that I am gone.
"Ok Boss! Got it! Anything else?" she said
"No, thankyou!" I said and then hung up the call!
This morning was different, I was in a happy mood. First, time in my whole fucking life I was giggling. I wanted to run to her!
We all going manali on a roadtrip no drivers jut the families.
But I want everybody to be safe on this trip as I have a risky background because of my enemies. So, I got 2 cars full of bodyguards and guns which will be following us from a distance for security.
As I was also worried about 'her' safety.
"Bhai chalein?' Yash asked while sitting in car with mom and dad.
"Yes! I will be coming in my car." I said while closing her door of car and saw her making disgusting face about my words and I laughed.
I went to my G Wagon. I called someone.
"Be Alert! Follow us from a distance!" I said.
"Ok boss! Got it!" they said. I hung up.
Yes, I haven't told anyone about this.
I put on engine on start, hold my steering wheel and said "LET'S GO! AND HAVE A GOOD ROADTRIP WITH MY FIESTY PRINCESS!"
I smiled and drove my car.
Everyone had already reached there I saw Rikshit bhaiya, Ashutosh bhaiya, Tania and muskan.
I jumped off my car and went to them and waved them and said,
"Hi! What is up everyone?"
"Just waiting for everyone!" Rikshit said while side hugging me, then I greeted Ashutosh bhaiya while I was going to the girls for hugging them I noticed that they were whispering something and made like a bad face while saying me.
I was freaking irritated by them so, I decided to ignore them because I did not wanted to ruin my mood and I said, "Fuck them" to myself and went to my parents.
I was searching for some caramel eyes but they haven't reached yet.
I was not sure that will he come or not because I haven't heard from him from that and I haven't talked to yashika too.
I say Yashika coming not running towards me with big bright smile. I was finding 'him'. But he was nowhere to be found.
I hugged Yashika. And then she went to meet others.
I don't know. But it felt like he will come.
I crossed my fingers and said, "Please send him to this please." I joined my hands and said in small murmur to my god.
"Why are you praying Princess? I am already here. Always beside you." I heard this sexy, intense voice from my back and my eyes popped out as marbles, I could feel the person's warmth, scent and that gave me goosebumps. The moment I turned around I saw familiar caramel eyes I was searching for.
Embarrassment came running to my cheeks they turned red.
When I saw him smirking, I just wanted to die because of what happened.
"No need to worry Princess! It's alright." He said while looking start into my eyes.
I didn't want him to know that I was embarrassed but it was written all over my face.
"You don't take stress! I wasn't praying for you!" I said to him with cunt expression.
"Um! Hmm!" He said with ease and in such a mocking way that he didn't believed in my words.
Well it is true! I wanted him to be here! But at no cost I could tell him!
"Okay! Then See you around!" I stated and started moving away from him.
I could feel his gaze on my back and it was soo deep that it could mark a hole on my back.
The moment we reached there I saw my princess Jumping out of her car and running towards the other Rikshit and all.
I stayed back for a while in the car as I had to attend a call.
I was observing everything from my car the way those two not so tolerable girls treating my princess and the way she side hugged Rikshit.
I don't like it.
Because she never hugged me and she was doing it to Rikshit.
Fucking Rik- Shit! I had an urge to punch him hard on face!
I couldn't control my urge to talk to her.
So, I wore my shades and went out of the car.
I was walking toward her and was looking absolutely like my princess.
I saw she was standing with joined hands and was like praying something!
I went near her and stood behind she didn't felt my presence, the moment I heard her little murmer prayer.
I knew It was me she was praying for.
My chest tightened and I just wanted to hug her but I couldn't.
So, I kept my hand behind my back and said her something.
Her reaction was everything to me!
Although she denied that she was paying for me, but I knew she was lying.
"Shiv Ji, She will be the death of me!" I said while looking in the bright clear sky and went off behind her.
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