"GET LOST FROM HIS LIFE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He screamed on my face and I flinched at that old crack's voice.
He can curse me uncountable times because he doesn't really bother me now. One thing, I know for sure is that he doesn't like me and that's his problem because neither Ru is leaving me nor I will ever leave me.
I brought my arms close to my chest and crossed them. I stood while straightening my back with a straight face. I need to show him that I ain't scared of him.
"That's not gonna, happen!" I spoke softly with a little smile on my face. I wanted this shit to wrap up quickly because I wanted to meet Ru.
"Huh, I knew you would say this!" He chuckled and huffed a breath. Why is he acting so weird? I stood in disbelief that does he really loved Ru or just for the sake of inheritance and all.
He then shoved his hand inside his pants pocket and retrieved his phone. I looked around but there was not even a soul in sight.
I tried to read his expression but everything failed. My heart was beating like crazy out of nervousness. I grabbed the sides of my dress and was about to say when he brought his phone to his ears.
Is he done fighting? Should I just leave?
He told someone to do something. "Listen, this is the last time I'm telling you to leave otherwise..!"
"Otherwise? What you'll do hn?" I gulped hard but my confidence was on point because I was not a bit wrong. I was fighting for my love, my peace. I wanted to get to be loved by the person my Ru loved the most but his Grandfather chose this so, let it be.
"You will have to bear the consequences for it!" He said fidgeting his phone. He sounded calm but his calmness was triggering me.
"I'm not afraid of consequences!"
"You better be, because it'll destroy you!"
"Don't you love your Grandson? Why aren't you happy that he's happy?" I genuinely wanted to know what the fuck was up with him. Can't he fucking realize the Ru is suffering inside, he is in pain and this old man wants to fight with me to prove himself.
"I love him! And this is why it is important!" He said and rotated his phone and showed it to me.
"What is this?" I pointed towards the phone.
"See for yourself!" He chuckled under his breath and sensed something evil.
I moved forward and leaned a bit to have a clearer view of his phone's screen. I tried to figure out what it was.
It was a video call. I could see people moving here and it was a street scene of a normal day. I was constantly looking at it when then suddenly two figures came into my sight and I felt that I knew them.
I leaned closer to see who it was. It was Ayaan and Yashika. I saw them laughing and walking together on the street. They were in Mumbai for some exams as they had to soon go to New York for studies. But was he showing me their video.
"I know, where they are! Why are you making me see them?" I questioned him but my eyes were still glued to the screen.
"I'm asking you again! Leave Rudra and Go!" He said in a firm voice. I stood straight matching his eye length.
"NO, I AM NOT GONNA GO!" A gunshot echoed from the phone. The moment I said the statement, I heard a gunshot sound and this time that was from the screen.
I instantly leaned and grabbed the phone from his hand and looked keenly. People were now running and I wasn't able to spot the two of my people. It took me a moment to realise that what just happened!
"Ayaan! Yashika!!" I screamed their name in the hope that they could hear me. I don't know when tears started falling from my eyes and I was huffing.
"If you will leave, they will be safe! If you will not--!"
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" I screamed in anger at him. My tears, and the emotions that I felt inside were now heightened. He cannot be a Grandfather he is evil.
"Because I don't want you in my Rudra's Life!" I was shocked at his words. He was so determined to prove a point that he doesn't like me. Will he really kill them? But Yashika is also his Granddaughter.
"Give me an Answer! YES or NO!" He said while gritting his teeth. "Yashika is also your Granddaughter! How can you do this to her?" I wanted to know how low he could stoop to just get me out.
"Rudransh will not spare you for what you are doing!" I uttered and full rage was burning inside of me. I knew that my Ru knew this he would be gone!
"Oh! You don't worry about him! Just answer!" My body burning from fire and first time in my entire freaking life, I wanted to kill someone. That was Him! I fucking wanted to smash his head on the wall.
I held the phone with a death grip and the video call was still going on. I watched again on the call to see the kids, I spotted them. They were bent and picking bags from the roads.
"Noooooooo!" I screamed and the sound of a gunshot again echoed. I saw Yashika pulling Ayaan down as they fell but the bullet, fortunately, didn't hit them.
I too fell on the floor mindlessly. I didn't know what to say or feel. My tears were running, my mind, and body was all numb and all I could think was of Ayaan and Yashika’s life. This psychopath can literally kill anyone for his deeds.
I was crying! My hands were on my face covering it. I felt like someone was hitting a nail on my freaking head. I have to give him an answer.
Now, I can't say NO! Because I just saw what he is capable of doing! He can kill his granddaughter then he can go to any extent to make sure his work is done. But Ru.
I freaking can't even imagine a life without my Ru in it now. He is my peace, my comfort and my fucking soul. Oh God! Kahn lakar rakh dia hai muje!
"I am counting till ten! I want an answer!" He said in his shitty voice.
"1,2,3--" He counted and my brain stopped working. What do I freaking do? Why is nobody coming to me?
I have to do that! I am not left with any other option. I have to sacrifice one thing. Either 2 souls or my love.
"Yes!" The moment he was about to complete his count I stopped him.
"Yes, I will leave! I will go away from Rudransh!" I pushed myself up from the floor and wiped my tears off. I can't let my brother and Yashika kill. I can kill myself for them. I have to live without Ru because those lives are more important than my love.
"But on one condition!"
"What is it?" He uttered as he straightened his posture.
"I will meet him before going!" This was numb Ahana speaking. Because at this moment I couldn't feel myself standing on my foot. My throat was paining, my eyes were itching and my body wanted to break down.
"Ok! You will not him anything!"
"Hm!" Because I knew the unsaid warnings. He was shooting them. I just them to come back home as quickly as they can.
He went in the other direction and I went inside the washroom. I locked myself in and fell on the floor. The cold marble tiles sent shrills down my spine.
I screamed as loud as I could. Why always me? Why? Why that one person I love has to go away? I wanted to smash myself on the ground because I was not able to handle it.
I can't leave without my Ru. I don't want to. But now I am left with no choice but to leave. I couldn't be selfish to be with my love and let my babies be shot. Rudransh's Grandfather is a fucking asshole. No one not even my enemies deserves this kind of traitor in their own family.
"Bhabhi! Bhar aao. Bhai se milna ha 10 minutes meh!" A knock on the door brought me to my senses. It was Ashutosh.
"Aa Ri hun!" I covered my mouth and responded to him. My hiccups started and they couldn't stop easily. I stood from the ground and saw my reflection in the mirror. This is not what I thought when I was standing here at first.
But, I have to do this. I have to leave. To save everyone from shit, I have to go. It'll hurt, It will feel like I'm stabbed but I'll handle it. I washed my face once again.
I took a long deep breath while holding the door handle. And I pulled it inside. I stepped outside and saw Ashutosh standing and talking on the call.
He noticed my presence and hung up the call. "Bhabs, Rudransh abhi hosh nahi aya ha par ap usse mil lo!" He said in one breath while shoving his phone inside his pocket.
Yes, this is the right time to meet him. I can't meet him when regains his consciousness because he won't let me go and I'll break down. This is the time I have to do this.
"Ashutosh, can you please get me a pen and paper!" I asked him and he looked at me in confusion.
"Hain? And Is everything alright?" He pointed towards my face because it was pretty evident from my face. I hastily ran a hand on my face. I wanted to tell everyone what happened! What I am going to do? But I can't.
"Nothing's wrong! Please get me one!" I plastered a smile on my face to make him feel that everything was perfect.
He nodded and went towards the reception. I sat on the edge of the bench.
"Here" Ashutosh forwarded his hand with pen and paper in it looked at him and nodded with a smile.
"I'm standing here, whenever you are done lemme know we'll go to meet him then."
I nodded. I was too exhausted mentally and physically to use my words. I had no power, no strength to meet Ru. I couldn't see him like this and leaving him at this stage of his life makes me feel that I should freaking end myself.
I held the pen with a death-tight grip and started writing a letter. I want Ru to read this letter so, that he doesn't feel that I betrayed him.
I am betraying him because I promised him that I'll be by his side till I die but I can't do anything, I have to take this step.
I penned down everything. Although, I didn't even try to give him a clue of the reason I was leaving.
It took me 5 minutes to jot the letter and then I folded it nicely and held it in my hold.
"Ashutosh, I'm done. Let's go!" I stood and gulped my every motion. He turned and smiled in my direction.
I know they all will take care of him. They all are good people. My Ru is not alone he has good friends who are more than family to him. The journey without him will be not at all easy and I know for sure how stubborn he is in things in which my name is involved. I hope my God who has put me in this situation will give me strength to get out of it.
"Ahana! You meet him first, I am outside!" I stood on my toes tight, it felt like they stuck to the ground. I turned towards Ashutosh.
"Where are others?" I asked while looking around. There was no one. Not even his asshole Grandfather.
"Everyone is here only. They are in resting lounges." I nodded.
I took a deep breath and held the door handle as I pushed it softly to get it open.
I opened the door and then a bed came into my view with my Ru lying on it. I wasn't able to move past the door because the sight of him was not good. I was not able to take that all in. And this was the last time, I was here to talk to him as my, mine.
I closed my eyes and reminded myself 'This is for the best!' I put my foot forward and entered the room. With small steps, I went towards his bed. Due to heavy doses, he was not conscious.
A stool was kept beside the bed. I picked that up and arranged it near the bed and sat on it. My eyes strolled his fully pale face. There was no mischievousness on his face. No smirk nothing.
I grabbed his right hand and held it tight and my tears started again. I rubbed his hand gently. His other hand had drip inserted for medication purposes and my heart cried at the thought of how much pain he must have felt. And now, I have to give him the worst pain ever.
My tears fell on his hand and I wiped them off. "Ru!" I called him softly while sobbing. One part of me wanted him to wake up and one wanted him wake up when I'm gone!
"I'm so.ry, Ru. Mer.i va.jah se you are he.re and th.at t.oo like this!" Every word of mine came with a sob.
"Ru, you know what you are the best thing that happened to me! My life w.ithout yo.u was no.thing but with y.ou it meant ev.ery damn thing!" With my one hand I constantly wiped my tears off.
"Par na.h a.bh cheeze m.ere h.at.h meh nahi hain---" And I broke down. I just crying. I took his hand and touched my forehead and I let my tears flow. My tears soaked his hand and I cleaned it with my dress.
"Th.is is som.ethin.g, I wrote f.or y.ou!" I placed the letter under his phone. I ran my hand through his hair while massaging it a bit.
"I know we wanted this, us, to be forever but I guess, I am not the one you have your forever with!"
I kissed his hand and made it lay on the bed nicely. I stood from my place and tucked the comforter nicely to him. I arranged his surroundings. I want everything to be perfect for him.
I was not in my senses when I was doing this. My ears were bloodshot red, tears were constantly flowing, my heart was aching, my legs were shivering.
After arranging everything, I stood near him. I leaned and kissed his cheek and then his forehead.
"I love you soo much! I always will meri jaan! I wa.nt to take ca.re of yo.urse.lf and I want you to HATE me because that's only it can work!" And my tear fell on his cheek.
I kissed his forehead once again, ran my fingers through his hair and his face and came out of the room running. I couldn't stand there more, I was on edge of my everything.
I pushed the door open and mindlessly started running outside until I bumped into someone.
"Ahana, kya hua! Why are you running? And where are you going?" It took a moment for me to realise that it was Abhishek.
"Nowhere!" I didn't know what I said.
"Your eyes? You were crying again? But you were with Rudransh right?" He shot his questions like a police officer.
"Promised me one thing?" I said while wiping my tears. He looked at me with a confused look and I forwarded my hand.
"Promise me, that you will take care of Rudransh properly!" I said and smiled.
"Why would I? Tum ho nah!" I am leaving.
"Jitna bol rahi hun utna he!" I forwarded my hand again. And this time he took it.
"If I'm not around you have to make sure he is alright!"
"But where are you going? Home?" He said and seemed genuinely confused.
I wiped my tears again. "Kind of but never ever leave him." The last promise was the most important one because I didn't want anyone to leave him like I was doing.
"Something is wrong! Tell me what is it?" He asked as he shoved his hands in his pocket.
"I can't tell you! Please Promise me, Abhishek!"
"Tell me! I'm like your big brother! Rudransh does not hide things from me. So you should also not!" I wanted to tell everyone but I cannot. I cannot risk my brother's and Yashika’s life.
"Hm um! Somethings are better unsaid!" I hushed.
"Will you tell me? Or I should do it my way?"
"You will not do anything. Everything which happens will happen because of me! I just want you to be there with Rudransh." I said in a breath and he stood shocked.
I wiped my tears and moved past him. He did try to say something but I didn't let him. The more I was moving far from Ru's room, the more I was going towards suffering. This has to happen for everyone's good, especially my Ayaan and Yashika.
I called Shreya and told her to stay home as I was going there only. A taxi was standing right outside the hospital. I moved towards the taxi and guards started following me. I showed them my hand to stop and they went back to their positions.
I sat in the taxi in haste and told the driver the address and he drove off. My hand went to my neck and there was resting a pedant which he gave me.
This is the only thing I have of him. And this will be close to my heart forever and ever.
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